17 September 2024

About RoF

Repair our Future is an initiative to stimulate everyone to participate in repairing our future. That the future is broken seems a bit harsh, but we are definitely not in a great state. Just look at the state of our climate, polarisation and (no)tolerance, the difference between the rich and the poor, the lack of respect to one and other, it has all gone downhill pretty fast the last few years.

I want to assist everyone with feasible ideas that help people become more conscious and to help repair our future in small steps at the time. If one of my sons will ask me later: “Dad, what were you all doing when the climate and the world were doing so bad?”. I would like to be able to say:”I did my utmost best as an individual and family and tried to convince others to do the right thing as well!”. I do sincerely hope that enough people think and do the same!

Have fun and success with the tips!
Best and positive regards,
Bob Rozema